If your child is showing signs of stress, here are activities to try at home.
Here are five grounding techniques that can be particularly effective for children:
1. 5-4-3-2-1 Senses Exercise
- Guide the child to notice:
- 5 things they can see
- 4 things they can touch
- 3 things they can hear
- 2 things they can smell
- 1 thing they can taste or imagine tasting
- This exercise brings their awareness to the present moment by engaging all their senses, helping them feel more grounded and less anxious.
2. Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
- Ask the child to look around and find something for each color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
- This game not only distracts them from anxious thoughts but also focuses their attention on their environment in a fun, calming way.
3. Belly Breathing with a Stuffed Animal
- Have the child lie down with a stuffed animal on their belly and breathe deeply so that the stuffed animal rises and falls.
- This deep breathing exercise is both visual and physical, helping children regulate their breathing and calm their bodies. Watch these videos for more ideas.
4. Grounding Stomp
- Encourage the child to stomp their feet firmly on the ground, focusing on the sensation in their feet as they connect with the floor.
- This grounding stomp is an active way to release energy and stay connected to their physical surroundings.
5. Texture Touch
- Gather different textured objects (like a smooth rock, soft fabric, or cool metal) and ask the child to hold and feel each one, describing its texture.
- Focusing on these sensations is soothing and helps children anchor their attention to the here and now.
These techniques are simple, engaging, and can be adapted for different ages to help children center themselves when they feel anxious or disconnected.
For more individualised support, book an appointment.